NTP internet time servers at linocomm.net

You may delay, but time will not.
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)


What is this all about?

Time is one of the most important things in modern society. Without time keeping, it would be difficult to arrange meetings, take the bus or train or be on time on a wedding ceremony. Not only humans rely on time. Every computer has an internal clock which is used when time stamping your email and documents, schedule your backups and warn you when you have an appointment. Therefore also computers should know the current time with some accuracy. To synchronize computers to known good time sources over the internet, the NTP protocol has been defined which allows to obtain the current time from internet time servers.

The servers ntp1.linocomm.net to ntp9.linocomm.net are such public internet time servers, operated by the internet services company Linoplan. The servers provide NTP services to NTP and SNTP clients on the internet. All time servers are at least stratum 2 servers, which means that the servers are directly connected to other time servers which take their time from a number of official reference clocks (atomic clock, radio clock, GPS or whatever) in different geographical regions. Time server ntp4.linocomm.net is a Stratum 1 server located in the Netherlands with its own reference clock. Time synchronisation with several upstream servers in different geographical regions gives redundancy when network failures occur. In practice this means that the time these servers provide are accurate within a few milliseconds. This is good enough for most private and commercial applications.

Server ntp1.linocomm.net is located in a data center in Almaty, Kazakhstan, which makes it the ideal time server for computers in Central Asia, but clients from all over the world are allowed to connect to this server. The only drawback is that distant clients might observe a few more milliseconds error in the received time signal compared to the time served by time servers closer to their location. Time server ntp5.linocomm.net is located in Las Vegas and serves North America. All other servers are located in Western Europe and are primarily intended for the EMEA area. Time server ntp4 is the most accurate in the network because it has its own timebase with a GPS+PPS receiver.

How do I connect to your time servers?

You can add one or more of the server names to your ntpd or chronyd configuration file. With recent versions of ntpd and chronyd you can use the pool directive which adds a pool of servers to the configuration. If you use the pool directive, use the name ntppool.linocomm.net as the domain name.

How well do your time servers perform?

The lists of upstream servers are refreshed every five minutes. The values in the columns delay, offset and jitter are in milliseconds. The delay is a measurement of the network delay when retrieving the time from the remote server. The offset is the current difference between the internal clock of our timeserver and the remote clock. Finally jitter gives the variation in the time difference between subsequent requests.

Current performance for ntp1.linocomm.net (Almaty, KZ)

NTP1 error
Sun 16 Feb 18:28:01 UTC 2025
MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample               
^* ntp.nic.kz                    1  10   377   472  -1400us[-1458us] +/-   14ms
^- 2a02:6b67:d551:e104::         2  10   377   218   -368us[ -368us] +/-   51ms

Current performance for ntp2.linocomm.net (Roubaix, FR)

NTP2 error
Sun 16 Feb 18:28:02 UTC 2025
MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample               
^* ntp-main-1.oma.be             1  10   377   600  -1538us[-1469us] +/- 4895us
^+ ntp0.rrze.uni-erlangen.de     1  10   377   734    +91us[ +158us] +/- 7323us

Current perfomance for ntp3.linocomm.net (Falkenstein, DE)

NTP3 error
Sun 16 Feb 18:28:02 UTC 2025
MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample               
^* ntps1-0.eecsit.tu-berlin>     1  10   277    11   -365us[ -403us] +/- 8262us
^- time.fu-berlin.de             1  10   377   424   -354us[ -391us] +/-   58ms
^- ntp1.hetzner.de               2  10   377   836   -259us[ -294us] +/-   25ms
^+ ntp2.hetzner.de               2   8   377   106   -195us[ -232us] +/-   25ms
^- ntp3.hetzner.de               2   9   377   442   -121us[ -157us] +/-   32ms

Current performance for ntp4.linocomm.net (Donkerbroek, NL)

NTP4 error
Sun 16 Feb 18:28:02 UTC 2025
MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample               
^* time1.esa.int                 1  10   377   371  +1021us[+1312us] +/- 5139us
^+ ntp1.time.nl                  1  10   377   478   +386us[ +674us] +/- 6071us
^+ ntp0.nl.uu.net                1  10   377   689   +316us[ +599us] +/- 5476us

Current performance for ntp5.linocomm.net (Naaldwijk, NL)

NTP5 error
Sun 16 Feb 18:28:02 UTC 2025
506 Cannot talk to daemon

Current perfomance for ntp6.linocomm.net (Gravelines, FR)

NTP6 error
Sun 16 Feb 18:28:02 UTC 2025
MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample               
^* ntp-main-1.oma.be             1   9   377   144    -89us[ -128us] +/- 3192us
^+ ntp0.rrze.uni-erlangen.de     1   8   377    93    -50us[  -50us] +/- 7231us

Current performance for ntp7.linocomm.net (Falkenstein, DE)

NTP7 error
Sun 16 Feb 18:28:02 UTC 2025
MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample               
^* ntps1-0.eecsit.tu-berlin>     1  10   377    14   -735us[ -733us] +/- 8271us
^- time.fu-berlin.de             1  10   377   856   -761us[ -760us] +/-   59ms
^- ntp1.hetzner.de               2  10   377   120   -648us[ -646us] +/-   27ms
^+ ntp2.hetzner.de               2  10   377   991   -607us[ -607us] +/-   35ms
^- ntp3.hetzner.de               2  10   377   998   -562us[ -561us] +/-   41ms

Current perfomance for ntp8.linocomm.net (Roubaix, FR)

NTP8 error
Sun 16 Feb 18:28:02 UTC 2025
MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample               
^* ntp-main-1.oma.be             1  10   377    22   -591us[ -462us] +/- 4443us
^+ ntp0.rrze.uni-erlangen.de     1  10   377   786  +1014us[+1092us] +/- 7065us

Current performance for ntp9.linocomm.net (Nürnberg, DE)

NTP9 error
Sun 16 Feb 18:28:02 UTC 2025
MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample               
^* ntps1-0.eecsit.tu-berlin>     1  10   377   927    -91us[  -75us] +/- 7662us
^- time.fu-berlin.de             1  10   377   973   -346us[ -330us] +/-   57ms
^- ntp1.hetzner.de               2  10   377   256   -213us[ -213us] +/-   24ms
^- ntp2.hetzner.de               2  10   377   758    -50us[  -50us] +/-   24ms
^- ntp3.hetzner.de               2  10   377   693   -112us[ -112us] +/-   30ms